Product quality management and commerce in modern production
enterprise, production, products, quality, control, quality management system, quality management strategy, commercial activity of the enterprise, etcAbstract
This article examines theoretical and practical issues of organizing product quality management systems and commercial activities at domestic manufacturing enterprises. In particular, the main objectives of enterprises and new approaches to ensuring high product quality are determined; the essence, principles, advantages and disadvantages of continuous product quality control are characterized; the advantages of using statistical methods of product quality control are considered; the essence and significance for production management of analyzing such indicators as the "price of quality" of products, the "price of conformity" and the "price of non-conformity" are analyzed. The essence and advantages of existing product quality management systems at enterprises are characterized in detail; the necessity of developing a product quality management strategy at each enterprise and creating appropriate product quality management systems based on the use of the so-called "loop" of quality is proven. The importance of standardization for the formation of high product quality at manufacturing enterprises and the essence and significance of international standards of the ISO series are analyzed. The main components of the commercial activity of a manufacturing enterprise are identified and characterized, which today also take an active part in the formation of high quality products and a high business image of the enterprise itself. It has been proven that the quality of products manufactured by manufacturing enterprises and the efficiency of commercial activities of these enterprises are largely determined by the efficiency of production management of these enterprises, the chosen quality management strategy and the quality management system existing at the enterprise. In general, this system provides for increasing the efficiency of the enterprise's production activities, strict adherence to current product quality standards and quality management systems, continuous improvement of marketing activities, introduction of new progressive forms of consumer service, etc. The existing requirements of a competitive market economy and the creative capabilities of enterprise management open up opportunities for the successful solution of all these problems, as a result of which enterprises will have a stable position in the market, and consumers will receive quality products at an acceptable price.
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