Short-term loans of banks as a factor of influence on the profitability of enterprises


  • I.V. Zayukov Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of the State Trade and Economic University



management, loans, profitability, model, correlation-regression analysis


Bank lending in military conditions is an important factor in revitalizing the development of the real sector of Ukraine's economy. Attention is focused on the fact that the basis of the management of liabilities of Ukrainian enterprises is the determination of the optimal structure between short-term and long-term obligations. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to study the relationship between the specific weight of short-term bank loans of Ukrainian enterprises according to their size in the overall structure of current liabilities and the profitability of Ukrainian enterprises.
The positive and negative features of short-term and long-term loans for the development of enterprises in the real sector of the economy of Ukraine are considered. The volumes of current liabilities and provision of domestic business enterprises in 2013−2022 were analyzed. The specific weight of current liabilities and provision of domestic business enterprises by the size of enterprises in 2013−2022 in the general structure of current liabilities was calculated. The volume of short-term bank loans granted to business enterprises of Ukraine in 2013−2022 was analyzed. The rate of growth (decrease) in the volume of shortterm bank loans granted to domestic business enterprises was calculated. The specific weight of short-term bank loans by the size of enterprises in 2013−2022 in the overall structure of current liabilities was calculated. The level of profitability of Ukrainian enterprises in 2010−2022 was analyzed. Linear regression equations were constructed, which show that with the growth of the specific weight of short-term bank loans of Ukrainian enterprises in the overall structure of current liabilities, the profitability of enterprises decreases. It was found that a 1% increase in the specific weight of short-term loans of banks of enterprises of Ukraine in the total structure of current liabilities will lead to a decrease in their profitability by 2.71%. A forecast of the profitability of all enterprises of Ukraine in 2022−2025 has been developed, taking into account the constructed linear regression equation. It was determined that with a decrease in the level of the specific weight of short-term loans of banks of enterprises of Ukraine in the general structure of current liabilities in 2024 compared to 2023 by 0.21%. p. Potentially, the level of profitability of all Ukrainian enterprises will increase by 0.57% in 2024. p. and will reach the forecast value at the level of 11.38%.

Author Biography

I.V. Zayukov , Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of the State Trade and Economic University

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Administration


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