Theoretical concepts and models of socially responsible investment


  • O. Sheverdin Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman



socially responsible investment, concept evolution, models, corporate social responsibility, sustainable development


In the article the theoretical concepts and models of socially responsible investment are analyzed. The evolution of the concept of socially responsible investment is studied, which is conventionally divided into four periods: the period of the birth of the concept, when investing was based on ethical considerations; the period of formation of the concept of corporate social responsibility and the emergence of socially responsible investment as an aspect of its practical implementation; the period of development of the concept based on the principles of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development; the modern period of development of the concept of socially responsible investment on its own basis. Types of socially responsible investment are systematized (impact investing, mission-based investing, triple bottom line investing, double bottom line investing, eco investing/green investing, ethical investing, sustainable investing). Models of socially responsible investment based on the following methods are singled out: screening, shareholder advocacy, community investing, social venture capital, sustainability themed investing, combined approaches.

Author Biography

O. Sheverdin , Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman



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