Women in industry: prospects for the development of the ukrainian labor market as a component of the process of modernizing the economic policy of enterprises


  • A.A. Chornobaiev Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University




economic policy, labor market, industry, gender distribution, technical professions, retraining, women


The article examines the problem of labor shortage in the labor market and the associated shift of attention of employers in the industrial sector of the Ukrainian economy to female workers in technical specialties under martial law. The article is aimed at analyzing statistical and analytical data on the current and expected staffing of enterprises. It investigates information on gender changes in technical professions after 2022, identifies the key factors influencing this process, and outlines the prospects for further development of this trend in the context of martial law in Ukraine in such industries as mechanical engineering, metallurgy, energy, transport and processing industry. Statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and Ukrainian online job search portals were analyzed, which indicate an increase in the share of women in technical professions in 2023, caused not only by the migration of men and the need for qualified personnel, but also by a gradual change in social stereotypes regarding the role of women in society. The issue of integrating women into production processes traditionally inherent in men is considered, which can contribute to overcoming gender stereotypes and opens up new opportunities for their career growth.

Author Biography

A.A. Chornobaiev , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

Phd student


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