International climate migration: main causes, manifestations and consequences
climate change, international climate migration, environmental migrants, climate disasters, migration, climate refugeesAbstract
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the issues related to climate change and its impact on international climate migration. It examines various approaches to defining "climate change" and outlines the primary consequences of climate change, such as sea level rise, more frequent and intense extreme weather events (hurricanes, floods, droughts), environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss. The phenomenon of international climate migration and its main causes are discussed, highlighting that international climate migration is one of the most significant outcomes of climate change. The article notes that climate migration places additional pressure on receiving regions and countries, leading to social tension and potential conflicts over resources.It is emphasized that there is an insufficient legal framework at the international level to protect climate migrants. Current international legal norms do not recognize climate migrants as a category that requires special protection, which complicates the safeguarding of their rights and the provision of necessary assistance. The article provides recommendations on the necessity of international cooperation, the legal protection of climate migrants, and the role of climate diplomacy in addressing these challenges arising from climate change.
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