The use of human capital in the conditions of var: a management aspect


  • O. Biletskyi Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics



human capital, use of human capital, management of human capital; strategy


The article is devoted to the study of risks and threats to the effective use of human capital in the conditions of war in Ukraine and the justification of strategic measures to support the use as a factor of economic recovery. Two groups of factors (threats and risks) affecting the use of human capital in Ukraine in war conditions are singled out. A structural diagram of the process of strategic management of the use of human capital in war conditions is proposed. Strategic tasks regarding the use of human capital include: ensuring the safety of human capital carriers (physical, economic, psychological, etc.); ensuring adaptability and flexibility in new conditions; development of new skills and competencies at the challenge of time; strengthening of socio-economic support, diversification of the social package; improving communications and implementing support programs.

Author Biography

O. Biletskyi , Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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