Management concept and risk management for forecasting financial results of the enterprise
concept, management, risk management, forecasting financial results, profit, EBITDAAbstract
The financial results of an enterprise in a crisis are uncertain and require a conceptual approach to their management and consideration of risk management tools in financial decision-making. The article is aimed at developing a concept for improving the management of financial results of an enterprise, identifying risks and forecasting financial results.
The article applies risk management tools to structure the risks of the AGRANA Group into operational and regulatory risks; the author proposes a concept for improving the management of financial results of an enterprise, which includes the matrix, objectives, principles, tools, methods and models that are consistent with the goal set, namely, increasing EBITDA with adjustments for the inflation index through flexible management of business segment differentiation and cost optimization, taking into account the legislative restrictions on the financial and accounting policies of enterprises; identify the impact of risks on modelling the forecast of key financial indicators, such as net income, EBIT, EBITDA, and forecast for 2023-2026, identify errors and reasons for the relevance of the forecasts.
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