Features of managing the activities of construction enterprises in the post-confflict economy


  • O.V. Yakushev Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Y.V. Bilan Kherson National Technical University




losses, damages, infrastructure facilities, management, qualified personnel, restoration


Managing the operations of construction companies in post-conflict economies requires special attention, especially in the face of the various challenges and constraints that accompany economic recovery from conflict. In particular, this includes managing resources, risks, innovation and strategies to support sustainable development and social recovery. This study is aimed at identifying the specifics of managing the activities of construction companies and highlighting the challenges that hinder the processes of effective management in this industry. In the course of the research, various methods of scientific knowledge, such as analysis, synthesis, generalisation, induction, analogy and a systematic approach, were used to study the main characteristics of the construction market and the challenges that hinder these processes. It is found that due to the hostilities, the amount of direct damage from the destroyed infrastructure continues to grow, and currently residential buildings and infrastructure are in the first place among the destroyed objects. In the course of the study, the author systematised the main characteristics of the modern construction market of Ukraine, namely: significant damage to infrastructure, a shift in focus to recovery, insufficient financial resources, dependence on international assistance and foreign investment, strengthening of the role of the state in recovery processes, decreased demand for commercial real estate, lack of qualified personnel, changes in logistics and supply of materials, high level of risks associated with security and economic instability. In addition, the study found that in a post-conflict economy, the management of construction companies faces challenges such as a shortage of staff, a shrinking domestic market for construction materials, rising project costs, etc. Effective strategic planning and flexibility in solving problems are becoming the main factors for successful functioning in emergency circumstances.

Author Biographies

O.V. Yakushev , Cherkasy State Technological University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Welfare

Y.V. Bilan , Kherson National Technical University

Recipient of the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education, specialty 073 Management


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