Use of application programs and programming skills in solving econometric problems
application program packages, programming skills, econometrics, econometric problems, educational processAbstract
The need for fast and high-quality processing of large volumes of data when solving specific economic tasks requires consideration of tools for optimizing this process. The purpose of the article is to study applied programs and programming skills as tools for solving econometric problems in the professional activity of economists. The article analyzes various econometric tasks depending on the economic specialty of the specialist who solves them, singles out universal economic tasks in the field of econometrics from the point of view of supporting effective management decisions. The need to optimize the process of solving econometric tasks through the involvement of software and programming languages is substantiated, those of them that are most often used in practice are considered, their advantages and disadvantages are identified. The expediency of using the VBA language for the formation of programming skills among students of higher education at domestic higher education institutions has been proven, directions for the use of VBA in the educational process and professional activity have been proposed. Based on the results of the research, conclusions were drawn, directions for further research were outlined.
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