Diagnostics of implementation potential innovative economy model in Ukraine


  • O. Hryhor Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Hl. Baranov Cherkasy State Technological University




innovations, innovation potential, innovation indicators, economic development of Ukraine, integration with the European Union


At the current stage, the economic development of Ukraine is taking place in new conditions, which are determined by military risks, on the one hand, and integration into the EU, on the other. In this context, the main challenge is to determine the driving forces that will ensure economic growth in Ukraine, taking into account the impact of new conditions. One of the main driving forces is Ukraine’s innovative potential, which is not only a guarantee of successful integration with the EU, but also the basis for the country’s recovery. After all, success in the war largely depends on the use of innovative developments, Ukraine’s accession to the European Community requires compliance with the Community’s unification standards, including the use of innovative approaches in various fields, and the effective reconstruction of the country must be based on the use of innovative technologies. The purpose of this article is to analyze the current state and changing trends of innovative activity in Ukraine before and during the war, as well as to determine promising directions for its development in new conditions. To achieve this goal, a review of the main international innovation ratings (in particular, the Global Innovation Index, the European Innovation Rating and the Bloomberg Innovation Index) was conducted. The results showed that Ukraine’s innovative position in international rankings worsened, mainly due to the consequences of the war: Analysis of key innovative indicators of Ukraine for the period 2011-2021 showed that a downward trend (about half) is observed for such indicators as expenditures, the number of researchers employed in the field. The only positive trend was observed in the change of trademark applications, which increased by 55% during this period. The dynamics of enterprises that introduced innovations and the number of enterprises that were engaged in innovative activities in Ukraine in the period 2010-2020 had an unstable character with tendencies towards growth and decline. The identified problems in the innovation sphere of Ukraine are largely related to the ineffective innovation policy of the state. On the basis of the obtained results, the key areas of improvement of Ukraine’s innovation policy in the new conditions were determined. The most promising sectors for the development of innovations in Ukraine in the new conditions are defense and cyber security, health care and medicine, educational projects, construction and infrastructure, agriculture and green technologies.

Author Biographies

O. Hryhor , Cherkasy State Technological University

Doctor of political sciences, professor, professor Department of Economics and Management, rector

Hl. Baranov , Cherkasy State Technological University

graduate student, teacher of the Department of Economics and Management


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