Conceptual strategy of business development in conditions of labor resources volatility
demography, labor market, labor volatility, poverty, social entrepreneurshipAbstract
Over the past decade, the demographic crisis and intense migration disruptions in Ukraine have significantly affected the structure and dynamics of the market development. The need for and influx of labor forces, changes in the age-old and skilled structure of the population put new pressures on the future of marriage and business. The article examines the problem of labor resource management in terms of labor resource volatility in the market based on the scenario of the development of entrepreneurship, with the recovery of labor resource volatility. The statistics indicate the key factors that influence labor volatility and develop strategies aimed at ensuring the development of enterprises in such minds. The article includes an analysis of current trends in the labor market, the identification of factors and causes of labor volatility, as well as an examination of the concepts and strategies that adapt to the adaptation of enterprises to changes in the minds of the workforce. The authors provide practical recommendations for enterprises to implement conceptual development strategies aimed at optimizing the workforce and managing labor resources in the minds of their incompetence.
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Офіційний сайт Державної служби статистики України: веб-сайт: URL: (дата звернення: 25.03.2024).
Офіційний сайт Міністерства фінансів України: веб-сайт: URL: (дата звернення: 25.03.2024).
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