Information system for strategic development and regulation of human capital, economic security and competitiveness in the context of digital transformation of the economy
human capital, regulatory system, digital transformation, economic security, information economy, multi-level management, national economy, information systemAbstract
The article formulates provisions on the systemic strategic development and regulation of human capital of an informational nature with a view to improving the economic security and competitiveness of enterprise in the context of information and digitalization transformation of the economy. It has been determined that the system of strategic development and regulation of human capital should be based on ensuring the continuous perspective information development of enterprise personnel: training of employees, improvement of their qualifications, cognitive characteristics and information and innovation capacity. The study of the triple chain relationship between the categories of "information economy" - "economic security of enterprise" - "human capital" is updated. It is proved that the strategy for regulating the human capital of an enterprise is a scientifically based system of practical management actions and is a component of the overall information strategy of an enterprise. An algorithm for the functioning of a combined strategy for the development of human capital, economic security and competitiveness of an enterprise in the context of information and digital transformation of the economy is proposed.
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