The influence of inventories on the financial results of Ukrainian companies
reserves, structure, financial results, model, correlation-regression analysis, systemAbstract
Effective use of stocks is an important condition for ensuring the economic development of enterprises. Emphasis is placed on the fact that inventory management is based on the factor of duality. The purpose of the article is to study the influence of stocks on the financial results of Ukrainian enterprises that have received profits.
The dynamics of the volumes of stocks formed at Ukrainian enterprises and their specific weight in the overall structure of current assets of Ukrainian enterprises in 2013–2022 were analyzed. An analysis of the net profit (loss) of Ukrainian enterprises, the amount of financial results of enterprises that made a profit and the specific weight of enterprises that made a profit in the overall structure of operating enterprises in Ukraine in 2010–2022 was carried out. A linear regression equation was built, which is characterized by statistical reliability and adequacy. This equation proves that the specified influence is positive and directly proportional. According to the constructed correlation-regression equation, financial results of Ukrainian enterprises that receive profits are positively influenced by stocks. This impact is estimated at 58%. The constructed linear regression equation made it possible to conclude that a 1% increase in the stocks of domestic enterprises leads to an increase in their profits by 0.38 thousand hryvnias. The proposed inventory management system consists of the following elements: optimization of the inventory structure; minimization of excess stock; minimization of warehouse space for stockpiling; supply of stocks using the «just in time» logistics method; prevention of shortages and production of products that are not in demand on the market; optimization and minimization of inventory management costs: supply costs; production support costs; Selling expenses; costs for informatization.
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