Assessment and enhancement of the effectiveness of Six Sigma methods application in quality management of production or services


  • Svetlana Belous-Sergeeva Pryazovskyi State Technical University, m. Dnipro



Six Sigma; project management; productivity enhancement; manufacturing; optimization; competitiveness


In the modern business environment, where competition is constantly increasing, manufacturing and organizations are finding the need to implement strategies aimed at achieving a high level of product quality or service provision. One of the effective and widely used methodologies in this context is Six Sigma. This quality management strategy not only sets standards for high quality but also provides a specific set of tools and methods for continuous process improvement.
The paper explores how Six Sigma methods can be used to assess and enhance quality management effectiveness. The paper examines not only the theoretical aspects of Six Sigma but also practical experience in implementing this methodology across different business sectors, indicating its successful implementation in various industries, contributing to quality enhancement, cost reduction, and optimization of manufacturing and service processes. The advantages of implementing Six Sigma in production are outlined, as well as its potential drawbacks. A list of obstacles that a company may encounter at the beginning and during the implementation of the Six Sigma strategy is identified. This work not only highlights the importance of Six Sigma in quality management but also indicates ways to evaluate and further improve its effectiveness in contemporary conditions. Given the dynamics of modern business, it is relevant and important for practitioners and researchers aiming to achieve high standards of quality in their activities.

Author Biography

Svetlana Belous-Sergeeva, Pryazovskyi State Technical University, m. Dnipro

Ph.D., assistant professor


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How to Cite

Білоус-Сергєєва , С. 2024. Assessment and enhancement of the effectiveness of Six Sigma methods application in quality management of production or services. Economiсs and organization of management. (Feb. 2024), 145-152. DOI:


