Formation of the financial security of the business subject under the conditions of the state of martial


  • V. Matviichuk Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
  • O. Matushevskyi Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



financial security; economic security; martial law; economic entity; financial stability; profitability; profitability


The article defines the process of forming the financial security of a business entity in the conditions of martial law. Financial security is characterized as a component of the economic security of a business entity. The main functional tasks are defined and the financial security system of the enterprise is singled out. The system of financial security of the enterprise is determined and its main functional tasks are distinguished.
The need for effective use of all elements of the financial security system requires the use of financial methods such as financial accounting, analysis, forecasting and planning, etc. The classification of external threats to financial security has been determined, and the array of internal threats to financial security has been classified by separate areas of occurrence. The main threats to the financial security of economic entities in Ukraine are studied, with an emphasis on the influence of fluctuations in the gross domestic product. It is determined how indicators of investment demand affect the financial security of enterprises in the conditions of martial law. The results of a business survey regarding the most important problems affecting the profitability of Ukrainian enterprises were analyzed. According to the results of the study of the potential impact of financial and economic risks, directions for their minimization in the conditions of martial law are proposed to improve the financial security of enterprises

Author Biography

V. Matviichuk, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Banking


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