Directions for the formation of hr strategy at the enterprise taking into account mechanisms of material motivation
personnel management; HR strategy; strategy formation; mechanism; material motivation; personnel development; personnel reserve; personnel turnoverAbstract
In the article the directions for the formation of the company’s personnel management strategy, taking into account the mechanisms of material motivation are determined. Scientific and methodological support for the formation of the company’s personnel management strategy is proposed, which includes the following stages: the stage of analyzing the state, trends and features of the external and internal environment, researching the influence of internal environmental factors and possible changes, as well as the results of the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the labor potential, the formation of a balanced systems of indicators of strategic personnel management of the enterprise, comprehensive analysis and evaluation of indicators; the analytical stage, which involves identifying problems and determining the comparative advantages of the current state of the enterprise and the personnel management system itself, which is the basis for moving to the next stage; the stage of forming a strategic vision and development priorities, tasks and measures, at which the strategic goals of the formation and development of the personnel management system are determined and their decomposition is carried out; the stage of defining tools, performance evaluation criteria and resource provision for the implementation of the enterprise’s personnel management strategy; the stage of strategy implementation, during which a plan of measures for the implementation of the company’s personnel management strategy is developed and other strategy implementation tools are used; the stage of analysis of threats, opportunities and risks and control over the implementation of the strategy; the stage of monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategy, which is carried out on a regular basis annually. Mechanisms of material motivation are taken into account in the proposed personnel management strategy of the enterprise.
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