Scientific-methodological principles of the marketing strategy formation for the social entrepreneurship development in Ukraine


  • N. Yakymova Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
  • O. Laushkin Unicsoft LLC



social entrepreneurship; social enterprises; development of social entrepreneurship; marketing strategy; algorithm; formation; scientific and methodological principles


In the article the scientific and methodological principles of forming a marketing strategy for the development of social entrepreneurship have been developed. An algorithm for the formation of a marketing strategy for the development of social entrepreneurship is proposed, which consists of the following stages: conducting a study of the marketing environment in order to identify the peculiarities of the functioning of social enterprises, determining the factors influencing their formation and development; determination of problems and advantages of social entrepreneurship development, which is the basis for choosing the target market and segment; formation of strategic development priorities, tasks and measures, definition of subjects, methods and resource support for the development of a marketing strategy for the development of social entrepreneurship; development of a plan of activities for the implementation of the marketing strategy for the development of social entrepreneurship; analysis of threats, opportunities and control over the implementation of the marketing strategy for the development of social entrepreneurship and forecasting the directions of its development in the short and long term for timely detection and correction in case of the need to make changes; monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the marketing strategy for the development of social entrepreneurship, as well as providing prerequisites for stimulating the development and dissemination of effective practices in the field of social entrepreneurship.

Author Biographies

N. Yakymova, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

O. Laushkin, Unicsoft LLC

Chief Operating Officer


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