Global competitiveness in the context of digitalisation: analysis of business models and strategies of international companies


  • M. Shkurat Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



digitalization; business strategy; digital technologies; competitiveness; international companies; Industry 4.0.


The article is aimed at studying the impact of digitalization on the global competitiveness of international companies (ICs) and reviewing the main business strategies used by successful enterprises in the context of digital transformation. Based on the study of the impact of digitalization on society, enterprises and states and the identification of the main areas of business digitalization, the author proposes to identify four areas of the IC's digital strategy, both to improve its own product or service and to increase competitiveness: digitalization of products and processes, intelligent integration, customer interest and accessibility, and a multifaceted ecosystem (platform creation). To better understand how international companies can develop with the help of platforms, we used the Ansoff matrix, which defines four growth strategies: market penetration, product development, market development, and diversification. The analysis made it possible to formulate practical recommendations aimed at improving the competitive position of ICs in the context of global digital changes, which are caused by the rapid development of information technology in the modern world.

Author Biography

M. Shkurat, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations


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