The influence foreign investments on economic growth


  • T. Oriekhova Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
  • A. Svirhun Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



financial globalization; economic growth; foreign investments; investment potential; investment activity; capital


The article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of the impact of foreign investment on economic growth. The article substantiates the influence of investment activities, in particular, investments from abroad as one of the essential tools for forming and increasing the state's competitiveness. For Ukraine, the issue of attracting foreign investments is becoming more and more relevant and is significantly important in the future perspective of economic development and post-war reconstruction.  The main goals of the article are to determine the trends of foreign investment in Ukraine, to substantiate the impact of foreign investment on the national economy, and to determine the priority directions for improving the mechanism of attracting foreign investment. The subject of the research is the current state of attracting foreign financial resources to Ukraine and methods of improving the mechanism of attracting foreign investments. The methodological and theoretical basis of this scientific research is official statistical data and economic works of domestic and foreign scientists. The positive and negative factors of attracting foreign investments are characterized. The sectors in which the greatest attraction of foreign investments is taking place have been determined.   The dynamics of attraction of foreign direct investment in the economy of Ukraine is analyzed. Investing countries, which are the largest investors in Ukraine, have been identified. The need to stimulate foreign investment has been identified.  The necessity of attracting foreign investment in the conditions of martial law is substantiated, based on which a list of factors that negatively affect the investment attractiveness of Ukraine on the international market is formulated, according to which the priority directions for improving the mechanism of attracting foreign investment are systematized. The results of the study are the identification of the role of foreign investment in the economic development of Ukraine and the determination of directions for ensuring this growth and specific methods of stimulating foreign investment.

Author Biography

T. Oriekhova, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor


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