Conceptual basis of supporting social entrepreneurship in post-war reconstruction economy of Ukraine


  • O. Klenin Priazovskyi State Technical University
  • S. Mishchenko Priazovskyi State Technical University



demography; labor market; labor resource volatility; poverty; social entrepreneurship


In the modern conditions of the development of the demographic situation in Ukraine, dynamic and unstable processes are taking place that characterize the labor market and the market economy as a whole. This is explained by the level of political instability that has developed in the country as a result of a military conflict with a state recognized by the legislation of Ukraine as an aggressor state or an occupying state.The article reveals the essence of transformational demographic processes, where labor resource volatility in the labor market and unsettled social policy play their socio-economic significance for the development of modern social entrepreneurship.In the conditions of national socio-economic instability, there is a need for further development of theoretical provisions, substantiation of conceptual foundations, development of adequate models of support for social entrepreneurship, both modern and post-war economy of Ukraine.The essence of social entrepreneurship is revealed as one of the important forms of entrepreneurship that can influence the course of social problems in post-war Ukraine.The perspectives that will influence the regulation of processes in the labor market and are capable of curbing the spread of poverty in the country have been analyzed. Priority indicators of modern state regulatory policy are highlighted.

Author Biographies

O. Klenin, Priazovskyi State Technical University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

S. Mishchenko, Priazovskyi State Technical University

PhD in Economics, Аssociate Рrofessor


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