Conceptual and practical aspects of enterprise capital valuation


  • L. Yurchyshena Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
  • D. Karpov LLC OUR-PEOPLE



capital; equity capital; capital structure; cost of capital; weighted average cost; concept


The article is devoted to development of the concept of improvement of growth of the enterprise's capital value in the conditions of financial instability, assessment of the capital structure and cost of sources of their attraction, substantiation of factors that influence change of the capital structure and enterprise value. The article develops the concept of improving the growth of enterprise value in conditions of financial instability; substantiates the risks arising during the crisis and war in Ukraine, in particular, the risk of business destruction, logistical restrictions, export operations, foreign exchange operations, etc.; analyses and substantiates the factors of change in the dynamics of the volume and structure of capital on the example of Agrana Fruit Ukraine LLC, calculates the change in performance indicators and the period of capital recovery, weighted average cost; estimates the value of the enterprise.

Author Biographies

L. Yurchyshena , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Banking




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How to Cite

Юрчишена , Л.В. and Карпов , Д.О. 2023. Conceptual and practical aspects of enterprise capital valuation. Economiсs and organization of management. (Dec. 2023), 105-114. DOI:


