International labor migration of workforce from Ukraine under the conditions of marital state
labor force; labor market; migration; international migration; martial law; economy; employment; forced migrantsAbstract
This article defines the current state of the labor force and population migration in Ukraine after the onset of full-scale war. Through the analysis of materials, key features and trends, the state of these processes is examined, and possible future consequences and prospects are identified.
First and foremost, the impact of the war on the labor force is taken into account. This has led to significant changes in the country's economy and various sectors. Destruction of industrial enterprises, their relocation, population displacement, and uncertainty about the future have created significant challenges for employment. Decreased production and increased unemployment have resulted in a decline in the living standards of many citizens.
The second aspect concerns migration processes, which have been altered as a result of the war. Many people have been forced to seek safety and new opportunities outside the country. Emigration has become a relevant choice for many Ukrainians who strive to secure a more stable future for themselves and their families. However, this process already has an impact on the demographic situation and the country's development, particularly in terms of the loss of skilled labor and a decrease in potential for economic growth.
By analyzing these processes and conducting surveys, possible future consequences have been formulated, and a series of measures have been identified to avoid negative outcomes and expand opportunities for further country development.
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