Improving the system of incentives for the staff of heat supply companies
staff stimulation; staff motivation; the full-scale war in Ukraine; personnel management; non-financial stimulation of personnel; KPI system; heat supply companiesAbstract
The paper is devoted to the issue of staff motivation through improving the system of labour incentives on heat supply enterprises. The author analyzes the main problems faced by enterprises, including lack of funding, strict regulation of the heat supply sector by the state, etc. The author highlights the main problems in the system of staff incentives in the enterprises of this industry, which were caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine, and identifies the main problem as a decrease in material incentives, which is the main type of incentive for enterprises in the industry. Proposals for improving the staff incentive system by expanding the non-material incentive method and restructuring the bonus system based on a system of key performance indicators (KPIs) are considered. Implementation of the proposed solutions should help enterprises to increase labor productivity and job satisfaction, as well as reduce the level of employee stress, while saving the company's funds.
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