Digital audit: global and domestic practice
digital audit; digital technologies; digitalization; accounting; problems of digitalizationAbstract
Understanding global trends is important for managing audit activities within the framework of building an efficient economy of Ukraine in the post-war period. The purpose of the article is to study the current state of domestic audit from the point of view of its further development in the digital economy based on foreign experience. The work examines the characteristic features of the digital economy, directions for increasing the efficiency of the audit process through the use of digital technologies, cases of IT implementation in domestic accounting and management and in international audit companies, examples of the use of such innovative technologies in auditing as cloud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, machine learning. It has been proven that the improvement of the effectiveness of digital audit in comparison with the classical one occurs due to changes in approaches both to the organization of the verification process, the processing of audit evidence and the development of conclusions based on it, as well as to the methods of conducting audit procedures. Based on the analysis of the scientific discussion and the practice of domestic and global audit activity, the global problems of audit digitization are identified. Based on the results of the research, conclusions were drawn, directions for further research were outlined.
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