Social responsibility of business as a lever for overcoming the socio-economic consequences of crises


  • S. V. Momot Cherkasy State Technological University



social responsibility of business; Ukraine; crisis; socio-economic consequences; COVID-19; military aggression


The work is devoted to revealing the role of social responsibility of business in overcoming the socio-economic consequences of crisis situations of various etymologies in the country's economy. The results of the annual research in the field of corporate reputation of global companies were analyzed, and the position of the ranking leader in terms of social responsibility was determined. It is proven that during the last nine years, Ukraine experienced three waves of powerful external influence, which led to a socio-economic crisis. These waves were: the occupation and annexation of part of the territory of Ukraine by russia in 2014; the announcement of a pandemic from COVID-19 in 2020 and a full-scale military invasion of russia on the territory of Ukraine in 2022. The socio-economic consequences for the economy of Ukraine that occurred as a result of each wave of the crisis are given. The social responsibility of representatives of Ukrainian business, which was observed during each wave of the crisis, was analyzed. Concrete examples of socially responsible behavior of business entities of Ukraine in the analyzed period are given.

Author Biography

S. V. Momot , Cherkasy State Technological University



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