Management of personnel development in the field of information technologies


  • O. Burlaka Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



personnel management; information technologies; management; personnel potential; professional development; IT; information and communication technologies


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of personnel development management in the field of information technologies (IT). The work presents the key factors that determine the dynamics of the development of the HR market in the field of IT at the global level in the long term, among which the following are highlighted: 1) steady growth of employment in the IT sector and a lower tendency to unemployment compared to other sectors of the economy; 2) increase in digitalization investments in various sectors of the economy; 3) high salaries of IT specialists, which encourage them to choose a career in the relevant specialties; 4) implementation of measures to involve underrepresented groups and persons exposed to the risk of unemployment due to aging in the IT sphere against the background of digitization of some professions; 5) implementation of measures to overcome the shortage of specialists in cyber security, artificial intelligence, and data science. The article provides examples of initiatives and projects for professional development and retraining of IT specialists in similar directions: state co-financing of training in professional development and retraining programs; co-financing by technology companies of training in advanced training and retraining programs for their employees; conducting professional certification of IT specialists; creation of specialized associations or national councils for the development of professionalism of specialists in the field of IT; projects aimed at attracting girls and women to the IT profession. Considering the private initiatives of global companies in the training of IT specialists (for example, such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, Huawei, Amazon), it can be noted that the scale of their activities allows them to solve problems in this direction by building a powerful international partner ecosystem, which includes implementation of programs and projects together with educational institutions, industry associations, non-profit organizations and educational platforms. For example, the Huawei ecosystem covers more than 900 universities and colleges around the world, and according to the corporation's plans, it will be able to train more than 1 million industry professionals by 2024. Conclusions were made regarding the importance of personnel development management as a direction of personnel work in the IT industry.

Author Biography

O. Burlaka , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

старший аналітик комп’ютерних систем, здобувач


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