Electronic commerce as a lever for regulating IT sphere development in Ukraine: challenges and opportunities


  • O.V. Yakushev Cherkasy State Technological University




IT sphere; electronic commerce; regulation; development; IT specialists; Ukraine


The expediency of a deeper study of the essence and features of e-commerce procedures in Ukraine in order to accelerate the pace of its economy out of crisis has been proved. The content load of the term "electronic commerce" is specified. The generalization of the stages of the formation of e-commerce in the world as a tool for the development of the information market is carried out. The models of traditional and e-commerce are compared by key indicators (product; subjects; process; automation; organization of external relations; interaction with customers and business partners; reorganization of the structure; brand capital; human capital; working capital; unit price of goods). The level of use by business entities of the advantages of e-commerce in their own activities is analyzed. The level of using the possibilities of the information space by Ukrainian enterprises for the development of their own business is demonstrated. The directions of development of e-commerce and management decisions aimed at intensifying the trends in the development of the information market in the country and activating its IT sphere are substantiated.

Author Biography

O.V. Yakushev , Cherkasy State Technological University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Welfare


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