Application of risk management tools in organizing the export of organic products to the European Union
export; organic products; market of organic products; risks; risk management; certificationAbstract
The European experience of the development of organic production and the market of organic products, as well as the improvement of the effectiveness of the promotion of organic products, shows the important role of the organization of the export of organic products to the countries of the European Union. In the modern conditions of the development of this type of economic activity, it is important to reduce the probability of the occurrence of risks that may prevent the further entry of domestic producers of organic products into the European and world markets. The article examines the features of the use of risk management tools when organizing the export of organic products by domestic producers. An analysis of the latest scientific research in the field of organic production and applied aspects of the application of risk management was carried out. Statistical data reflecting the positive dynamics of exports of organic products by Ukrainian producers to the countries of the European Union were analyzed. The key risk management tools that should be used when exporting organic products to EU countries are identified, namely: the need for strict compliance with the requirements for storage, transportation, processing of organic products and assessment of risks associated with organic products of Commission Resolution (EU) No. 889 /2008, the use of currency clauses in agreements, ways to prevent the risks of freight transportation by road, sea, river and railway transport, the involvement of only certification bodies included in the list, recognized by the European Commission for providing control services in Ukraine, in the certification of products.
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