Development of the credit risks insurance system of banks
financial stability; bank credit risk standards; risk regulation; credit risk level; insurance system; forms of insurance protectionAbstract
The article states that ensuring the financial stability of a banking institution is affected not only by the solvency, profitability and liquidity of a commercial bank, but also by the riskiness of its activity. The standards of credit risks of banks, which are established by the National Bank of Ukraine and are mandatory for implementation, were considered: the maximum amount of credit risk per counterparty (H7), large credit risks (H8), the maximum amount of credit risk for transactions with persons related to the bank (H9). The dynamics of the above-mentioned regulations from 2018 to 2022 were analyzed, the causes and consequences were clarified, as well as their impact on the activity of banks, trust from clients, and the financial stability of the banking system of Ukraine. It has been established that credit risks are the main risks faced by domestic banks, therefore the presence of an effective system of regulation and control of credit risks by the NBU is an important component of banks' financial stability. The need to introduce certain restrictions, separate bans on bank operations, as well as the introduction of changes by the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine to the regulatory framework in order to minimize the negative impact of the consequences of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and to promote the stability of the banking system of Ukraine is substantiated. The expediency of making changes to the Regulation on determination of the amount of credit risk by banks of Ukraine for active banking operations in order to improve approaches to regulating the activities of banks has been proven. The reasons for insufficient use of the credit risk insurance system have been clarified, and it has been proven that the development of credit operations insurance is one of the ways to reduce banking risks. It presents its own vision of forms of insurance protection in modern conditions of the market economy: insurance of consumer and commercial loans, insurance of the risk of non-repayment of loan funds, insurance of the borrower's liability for non-repayment of the loan or late payment of interest on it, use of banking instruments as an alternative form of insurance: guaranty of 3 persons , bank guarantees, factoring.
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