Managerial mechanism of cluster development in Ukraine as special form of business communities


  • Аndrii Karpenko National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», CEO «Zaporizhzhia Cluster «EAM»
  • Natalia Karpenko National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic»



cluster; business community; management; synergistic effect; cooperation; human capital; competitiveness; digitalization; innovations


The article reveals the role of a cluster as a special form of business communities. The peculiarities of the creation and development of economic clusters of Ukraine under the conditions of full-scale russian invasion are summarized. The main features of modern economic clusters (a group of enterprises, a territorial concentration, a specialized management body, an organization of cluster infrastructure, cooperative relations, "soft" competitive relationships, joint innovations and investment projects, and a synergistic effect) are defined and characterized on the example of Zaporizhzhia cluster "EAM". The institutional and structural support for the activity of economic clusters of Ukraine is analyzed. The sources of obtaining a synergistic effect within the Zaporizhzhia cluster "EAM", its structure and concept of development are studied. The generalized classification of the economic clusters development according to the following types of problems (military and political, institutional and structural support, investment, innovative, environmental, etc.) is carried out. A number of clusters specific problems related to managerial, organizational and production activities are identified.
The article justifies the importance of the further development of economic clusters and the introduction of a cluster approach in the economy of Ukraine for the revival of production, destroyed infrastructure, logistics networks, the national energy system, as well as the development of human capital and regional innovation ecosystems.

Author Biographies

Аndrii Karpenko , National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», CEO «Zaporizhzhia Cluster «EAM»

Professor of the Department of economics and customs

Natalia Karpenko , National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic»

PhD (Public Administration), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of economics and customs


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