Implementation of innovations in production for sustainable development of industrial enterprises


  • R.V. Mann Cherkasy State Technological University



industry; innovative production; industrial economy; sustainable development; economic model


The purpose of the article is to identify and systematize the key factors of innovation implementation, intensification of technological renewal processes in production, disclosure and justification of technology development for sustainable development of industrial enterprises on a systematic basis. The possibilities for sustainable development of industrial enterprises that introduce innovations into production are revealed. It is determined that the inclusion of the latest innovations in industrial production leads to an increase in the profitability of industrial enterprises. The author analyzes technological development, which was formed in the process of formation of different stages of civilization and is a fundamental provision of modern concepts of nature management and resource provision. Socio-economic relations were based on the principles of capitalization, profit growth, and increase of national wealth, and each historical stage, characterized by certain achievements in the development of material and technical production, was reproduced in the economic theories of scientists who substantiated the driving forces and problems of economic development. Therefore, the problem of introducing innovations into production for the sustainable development of industrial enterprises requires new research in this area. The conducted research made it possible to highlight and systematize the key factors of the introduction of innovations, intensification of the processes of technological renewal in production, to reveal and substantiate the impact of technological development on the sustainable development of industrial enterprises. Thus, according to the results of our research on the theory and practice of socio-economic development of Ukraine, it should be noted that the development of the domestic economy today is inefficient, taking into account national characteristics. This requires creating the preconditions for the formation and mobilization of internal reserves for sustainable economic development and, above all, the country's existing intellectual potential, which is transformed into technological upgrades.

Author Biography

R.V. Mann , Cherkasy State Technological University

Doctor of Economics, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Management


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