Mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of the workforce in the labor market regulation system


  • V. Strashko Higher Educational Establishment of Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade»



competitiveness of the workforce; labor market; labor market regulation; mechanism; methods; factors; monitoring


In the article the mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of the workforce in the labor market regulation system is developed. Within the framework of the developed mechanism, it is proposed to consider the competitiveness of the workforce from the standpoint of its distribution into demographic, personal-motivational, and educational-professional components. It was determined that the main purpose of the mechanism is to create conditions for the formation, provision, implementation and improvement of the competitiveness of the workforce in the system of regulating the labor market in accordance with the modern requirements of the development of the state’s economy. Internal and external factors that influence the mechanism are considered, such as mentality, education and professional training, politics, economy, demography, technology and others. The methods of influence on the mechanism are described, such as normative-legal, socio-economic, financial-credit and institutional-organizational. It has been proven that for the successful implementation of the mechanism, monitoring and evaluation of results, as well as control over its implementation, is necessary. Effective implementation of the workforce competitiveness mechanism will contribute to increasing economic development and ensuring the stability of the national economy.

Author Biography

V. Strashko, Higher Educational Establishment of Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade»



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