The labor payment management at the industrial enterprise as a means of reducing conflictogenicity social and labor relations
labor payment management; payment system; social and labor relations; conflictogenicity; conflictsAbstract
The article is devoted to substantiating the role of labor payment management as a means of reducing conflict in the system of social and labor relations at an industrial enterprise. It was determined that tools for preventing conflicts in the field of wages and their settlement should be applied at each of the stages of labor payment management. At the same time, it was emphasized that a special emphasis should belong to the IV stage of wage management at the enterprise, which involves control, communications and monitoring. The results of a survey of industrial enterprise employees regarding their satisfaction with the wage system as a component of the labor payment management process were analyzed. The main conflict generators are diagnosed, which are relevant for the enterprise under study in the context of the wage management process and its potential to prevent (resolve) social and labor relations.
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