System of indicators for evaluating the state of staff security in the enterprise


  • R.I. Urdukhanov Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics



personnel security; system of indicators; stimulators; destimulators; composite indicator; rating of enterprises


The purpose of the article is the formation of a methodical approach to assessing the state of personnel security of an industrial enterprise based on the calculation of a composite indicator from an additive-multiplicative function, the feature of which is the accounting of 32 indicators determined according to methodical principles of selection, which are assigned to certain components of personnel security: social and motivational security, professional safety, anti-conflict safety and life safety. According to the developed methodology, a system of indicators for assessing the state of personnel security of industrial enterprises is defined. Among the indicators of personnel security, indicators that have a positive effect on the level of personnel security (stimulators) and indicators whose growth leads to a decrease in the level of personnel security (destimulators) have been identified. The summary indicator of the company's personnel security is calculated as a weighted average score based on four defined components, and a ranking of enterprises (using the example of industrial enterprises of the Kharkiv region) based on the state of personnel security is constructed.

Author Biography

R.I. Urdukhanov , Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Postgraduate student of the Department of Social Economy


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