Regional aspect of the spread of convergence processes: factors and structural signs


  • О. Yakusheva Cherkasy State Technological University



convergence; region; balancing; disproportions; socio-economic development; signs; influencing factors


The article defines the role and significance of convergence processes at the national and international levels. It has been established that the increase in agglomeration processes in several powerful cities creates problems for the balanced economic development of the country and weakens the potential of other regions. The existing factors of influence on the processes of convergence development have been systematized, and a system of factors influencing the spread of regional development convergence has been developed based on the existing factors. It has been established that socio-economic factors are the most influential on the level of convergence, as they determine the structure and type of convergence that may manifest according to regions or a certain group of regions. The structural features of the convergence of the socio-economic development of the region were formed and the relationship between the features of the region and regional convergence was determined. It was established that the characteristics of the region provide for a multifunctional system that develops itself and forms the basis for further kinship in the economic space - convergent processes.

Author Biography

О. Yakusheva , Cherkasy State Technological University

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management


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