Development of a road map for the activation of the development of IT-sphere enterprises in the regions of Ukraine


  • O.V. Yakushev Cherkasy State Technological University



region; enterprises; activation; IT sphere; innovative development; clusters; road map; prospects


The article substantiates the relevance of revitalizing the development of IT enterprises in the regions of Ukraine. It was determined that the formation of the complex involvement of all subjects of economic activity in the development processes of the IT sphere in Ukraine can be facilitated by the creation of clusters that combine innovative, educational, and IT spheres. Tools for the formation of innovative and educational clusters are proposed, which form a platform for building a road map for the activation of the development of IT enterprises in the regions of Ukraine. Road maps for Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Odesa and Lviv regions have been built, which make it possible to identify existing problems and prospects for further development for the period 2017-2029. The prospects of the regions for intensifying the development of the IT sphere have been outlined. It is substantiated that the implementation of the measures indicated in the maps will create the necessary conditions for the development of innovative and educational cluster forms in the regions, the positive experience of which should be spread to other territories of the country in the future.

Author Biography

O.V. Yakushev , Cherkasy State Technological University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Welfare


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