Evolution of the green economy in the conditions of sustainable development
green economy; climate change; sustainable development; natural resources; sustainable economic growth; evolution of the green economy; greening of the economy; green courseAbstract
The purpose of the article is to conceptualize the concept of "green economy", its purpose, and to study the evolution of the green economy by identifying the stages at which the formation and development of the green economy took place with the acquisition of new significant features in the context of sustainable development.
It is clarified that the green economy is a course of greening the economy in the context of sustainable development, which leads to an increase in human well-being, ensuring decent working conditions, strengthening social justice while reducing environmental risks and environmental resource scarcity.
The authors examine the evolution of the green economy by distinguishing three stages, from the mid-twentieth century to the present day, during which the formation and development of the green economy took place with the acquisition of more and more new features in the context of sustainable development. These are the following stages: the first stage of the formation and development of the green economy, which occurred during the rapid post-war recovery of production, when environmental protection movements were born and the first steps were taken to green the economies of developed countries (mid-1940s - early 1960s). ); the second stage of active institutionalization of the green economy in science and practice (early 60s of the twentieth century - late 80s of the twentieth century); the third stage associated with the formation of systemic political decisions for the transition to a green economy (green course) by governments of many countries that support the strategy of sustainable development (late 80s of the twentieth century - present).
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