Economic policy of IT sphere development support


  • L.V. Prodanova Cherkasy State Technological University
  • O.V. Tomchuk Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



IT sphere; national economy; economic policy; methods and tools of support; regulation of development


It was emphasized that the development of the IT sphere is of significant importance for the economy of the state due to: promoting the creation of jobs and new opportunities for earning income for employees with a high level of qualification and professionalism, and on this basis - increasing the level of income and improving the quality of life of the population of the state; activation of growth in production efficiency and increase in competitiveness of business entities due to the development of digital infrastructure and the spread of the latest technologies; attraction of investments due to the development of progressive sectors of the economy; stimulating the development of entrepreneurship in other industries and spheres of the national economy, based on the example of successful innovative IT business startups; provision of tax revenues to the budget and export revenues of the state. The thesis that state regulation of the activities of business entities of any sphere or branch of the economy (economic policy regarding the relevant sphere or branch) in world practice is carried out with the help of administrative and economic methods, tools, and levers on the appropriate legal basis is substantiated. Possibilities of supporting the development of IT entrepreneurs are considered in detail at the expense of: simplification of administrative procedures for registration of IT business entities; an increase in state expenditures for the support of IT enterprises and the allocation of budget funds for the technological development of the national economy, certain of its spheres, which are related to the activity of the IT business; increasing the efficiency of the national taxation system in general and the application of tax preferences for IT business in particular; construction and development of the business environment, the system of information and consulting support and market infrastructure, the formation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem and an ecosystem of startups. The world practice of using effective methods, tools and levers to support the development of the IT sphere in the USA, Great Britain, Ireland, Poland, Estonia, Georgia was studied. The state and trends of the development of the IT sphere of the Ukrainian economy (according to the main indicators of the functioning of economic entities of the type of economic activity "Information and telecommunications") during 2010-2020 have been analyzed. It has been found that the IT sphere is actually the only branch of the Ukrainian economy that, during the period of Russian aggression, maintained its growth rate and ensured the growth of foreign exchange revenues and tax payments of the state.

Author Biographies

L.V. Prodanova , Cherkasy State Technological University

Grand PhD in Economic sciences, Professor

O.V. Tomchuk , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor


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