Implementation of the dual education model into the SCSU and assessment of its effects


  • I.V. Zayukov Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of the State Trade and Economic University



personnel training; continuous education; dual education; effect; cost of education; model


In the modern force majeure conditions of the development of the domestic economy and the importance of the rapid integration of Ukraine into the EU, increasing the efficiency of personnel training for the needs of the economy, which is on military rails, becomes extremely urgent. The experience of developed countries has proven that dual education is a relevant and innovative model in the system of continuous education. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of the implementation of the dual education model in the personnel development system of the State Customs Service of Ukraine (SCSU) and to evaluate its socio-economic effect compared to the traditional training model.
It was emphasized that high-quality training of SCSU specialists is the key to the development of its reformation. A theoretical-methodological model of the introduction of dual education into the system of personnel development of the SCSU is proposed, the main elements of which are institutions of higher education; SCSU and its structural units; applicants (masters) in the system of continuous education. A detailed algorithm for the introduction of dual education into the system of personnel development of the State State University is presented. The main features of dual education and its elements, which will ensure the quality of staff development and the overall reform of SCSU, are highlighted. The main advantages at the macro-, micro- and personal levels, which each subject will have when introducing dual education into the system of personnel development of the State State University, have been determined. An evaluation of the socio-economic effects at the macro level from the implementation of the dual education model to meet the needs of the personnel of the SCSU was carried out.

Author Biography

I.V. Zayukov , Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of the State Trade and Economic University

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management
and Administration


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