Methodological approach to the assessment of the current financial stability of higher education institutions


  • L.V. Yurchyshena Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



financial stability; higher education institutions; university; university income; contingent; indicators; method of assessing financial stability; information support


Methodological approaches to assessing the financial stability of universities in the international scientific community were studied, an algorithm for assessing the current financial stability of higher education institutions was proposed, which includes the purpose of the assessment, the choice of the type of assessment, the formation of information support with the identification of available sources of information, a system of indicators/indexes for the analysis of the current of financial sustainability of higher education institutions, their analysis and visualization of data, assessment of the level of financial sustainability of higher education institutions and management decision-making. The proposed groups of indicators of the current financial stability of universities are characterized. The methodology for calculating a group of dynamic indicators of the university's income is defined, and recommended values for each indicator are proposed. A practical test of the dynamic indicators of the university's income was carried out using a panel approach with a two-dimensional array of data: a sample of 35 economic, polytechnic, classical, pedagogical and other types of higher education institutions and time period. The results are presented with the help of visualization tools, which makes it possible to draw general conclusions about the current financial stability of universities and the probability of the risk of its violation.

Author Biography

L.V. Yurchyshena , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Finance and Banking


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Національне положення (стандарт) бухгалтерського обліку в державному секторі 101 «Подання фінансової звітності». URL:



How to Cite

Юрчишена , Л.В. 2023. Methodological approach to the assessment of the current financial stability of higher education institutions. Economiсs and organization of management. (Feb. 2023), 96-108. DOI:


