Inclusive regional development of the labor market of Ukraine in the context of labor volatility - a post-war approach


  • S. Mishchenko ДВНЗ «Приазовський державно технічний університет»
  • L. Kapranova ДВНЗ «Приазовський державно технічний університет»



regional labor market; labor volatility; geodemographic processes; concept of inclusive development


The article is devoted to the study of the manifestations of the labor resource volatility of the labor market of Ukraine, for example, its eastern regions (Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia regions), the trend of the initial (demographic) indicator of the aggravation of the situation on the labor market in the post-war period is outlined. An organizational and economic model for regulating the labor market of regions in the conditions of labor resource volatility of the post-war approach based on the principles of inclusive development of regions is proposed.
It is emphasized that the regional development of the labor market, as territorial and spatial integrity, becomes the dominant factor in the development of the national labor market of Ukraine in conditions of labor resource volatility, as it determines the set of social and economic phenomena that determine the regional development of the economy.
It is concluded that in the conditions of labor resource volatility of the labor market of Ukraine, effective post-war regulation of the labor market is possible provided that the concept of inclusive development of regions is built, providing for a detailed predictive resource justification, which is the basis for the introduction of structural reforms of the industrial economy and the transition to a new model of its growth with indicators of human development capital.

Author Biographies

S. Mishchenko , ДВНЗ «Приазовський державно технічний університет»

кандидат економічних наук, старший викладач

L. Kapranova , ДВНЗ «Приазовський державно технічний університет»

кандидат економічних наук, доцент


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Державна служба статистики України. URL:




