The economic theory of John M. Keynes as the basis for the representation of macroeconomic problems of the development of Ukraine
the theory of J. M. Keynes; economic crisis; aggregate demand; war in Ukraine; economic recoveryAbstract
The beginning of a large-scale war in Ukraine caused the deepening of crisis phenomena and processes in the Ukrainian economy. As a result, the issue of adapting the ideas of J. M. Keynes to overcome the negative impact of the crisis on the country's economic life became relevant. In Ukraine, these negative trends are manifested in the form of a drop in industrial production, an increase in unemployment and, as a result, a decrease in the real income of the population. This, in turn, leads to a reduction in aggregate demand. In order to substantiate the measures for the exit of the country from the state of recession, the conceptual foundations of the theory of J. Keynes were studied. Its main achievements, which can be the basis for developing an effective economic policy of the state, are identified. Based on the analysis of the concept of J. M. Keynes, the prospects for the development of the Ukrainian economy are substantiated. Conclusions are drawn and suggestions are given regarding the application of J. M. Keynes's ideas in Ukraine under modern conditions.
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