Implementation of educational innovations in the staff development system of the State customs service of Ukraine


  • I.V. Zayukov Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of the State Trade and Economic University



professional training; education; innovation; model; algorithm


Modern transformations in the global labor market require changes in employment, in particular in the professional training of personnel, because the automation of production, computerization and the use of artificial intelligence in many spheres of labor activity lead to the appearance of new professions (specialties) and the disappearance of existing ones. The purpose of the article is to study the need to implement educational innovations in the personnel development system of organizations.
The article examines the structure of the organization’s personnel management system, where attention is focused on such an important subsystem of it ‒ management of professional development, which allows to ensure the competitiveness of personnel, in particular by ensuring their professional development using educational technologies. The importance of factors in the personnel development system of organizations (competence, corporate commitment, corporate efficiency, team coherence) is highlighted. The theoretical and methodological aspects of the implementation of such educational innovations as: «dual education», «exchange of ideas», «corporate university» were considered, which made it possible to build a model of the implementation of educational innovations in the personnel development system of organizations. The need to introduce educational innovations into the personnel development system of the State Customs Service of Ukraine is substantiated. An algorithm for the implementation of dual education in the personnel development system of the State Customs Service of Ukraine is proposed.

Author Biography

I.V. Zayukov , Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of the State Trade and Economic University

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Administration


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