Improvement of strategic management of the development of hotel and restaurant business enterprises


  • O. Yakushev Cherkasy State Technological University
  • S. Kozlovska Rauf Ablyazov East European University
  • N. Sushko Rauf Ablyazov East European University
  • Yа. Podolian Rauf Ablyazov East European University
  • I. Tykhonova Cherkasy State Technological University



hotel and restaurant business; strategy; planning; forecasting; entrepreneurial activity; hospitality industry


In the modern conditions of the development of the market economy, economic entities acquire new characteristics, become more flexible, oriented towards consumers of goods and services, and rely on the correct definition of the development strategy. Strategic management is the foundation of business in the 21st century.
The article examines the problems of strategic planning and forecasting of the activities of enterprises in general and in the market of hotel and restaurant services. Among them we can include: the difference in the background forecast, the dependence of indicators on the human factor and the level of qualification of employees of the hotel and restaurant business, the lack of unified and reliable statistical information, and others.
Based on the study of various approaches to the definition of the concepts of "strategy", "forecasting", "planning", etc., own definitions of such concepts as "strategy", "strategic planning of entrepreneurship", "strategic forecasting of entrepreneurship" are proposed, taking into account the specifics of running a hotel and restaurant business.
A scheme for developing a hotel and restaurant business strategy is proposed. According to this scheme, all strategies, depending on their type, can be divided into three groups. The first group includes strategies, in the development of which only the planning process is used, the second group includes strategies, the distinguishing feature of which is the presence of only the forecasting process, and the third group includes strategies, the development of which includes the planning process and the forecasting process. In this, both strategic planning and strategic forecasting can be both a stage of strategy development and its final result.

Author Biographies

O. Yakushev , Cherkasy State Technological University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Welfare

S. Kozlovska , Rauf Ablyazov East European University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Management and Administration

N. Sushko , Rauf Ablyazov East European University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Tourism

Yа. Podolian , Rauf Ablyazov East European University

Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Tourism

I. Tykhonova , Cherkasy State Technological University

Master's Student of the Department of Social Welfare


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