Conflictology paradigm in the context of transformation of the social and labor sphere


  • N. Nazarov Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics



socio-labor conflict; management concept; conflict paradigm; regularities; principles; functions


The purpose of the article is to develop a holistic concept of managing social and labor conflicts and, on its basis, to form a new conflict paradigm. The theoretical provisions that create a methodological basis for a comprehensive analysis of the nature of social and labor conflicts in the context of the transformation of the social and labor sphere of society are substantiated. An analysis of the essence of the concept of "social and labor conflict" was carried out. The main components of the concept of managing social and labor conflicts and their structural and functional connections are substantiated. The formed concept is the basis of a new conflict paradigm, which includes the main system parameters: laws, principles, functions, subjects and objects of conflict, methods of conflict management, levels of management, relations, regulating norms, limits of conflict, assessment and diagnostic methods, coordination. The proposed paradigm defines an integrated conceptual approach to the management of social and labor conflicts as an economic category, which is the basis for creating an effective system of conflict management and the formation of structural policy in the conditions of a socially oriented transformational economy.

Author Biography

N. Nazarov , Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Business


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