Practice of management of the regional economy clusterization project
cluster; cluster organization; value added chain; project managementAbstract
The stability of the economy in the conditions of war is determined by the effectiveness of mechanisms for managing economic processes at the micro- and meso-level. The best adaptability to difficult economic conditions is demonstrated by industrial clusters that are formed in regions with knowledge continuity, industry traditions and proactive smart specialization. An effective tool of cluster development is project management, the methodology of which allows for the structuring of goals, tasks and actions, adequate to both the economic environment and the social and psychological characteristics of the project implementers. On the basis of the project methodology, the necessity of integration of two vectors of economic activity - preservation and development of business, the degree of correlation of which determines the level of its sustainability - is shown. A set of conditions for the implementation of projects, proven by the practice of clustering, aimed at enriching cooperative relations within the cluster, creating chains of added value with the participation of cluster actors, bringing products to new markets, cross-industry interaction and strengthening the organizational capacity of cluster organizations has been formed.
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