Features of property management under martial law


  • M. Shkilnyak West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil)
  • I. Chykalo West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil)




martial law; property management; methods of property management; forced alienation of property; seizure of property; free transfer of property; lease of property; lease of land


The article analyzes the issue of property management. The powers of military administrations in the field of property management under martial law are specified. The methods of property management and the features of their application during the legal regime of martial law are characterized. It was determined that under martial law, the following methods of property management are most commonly used: forced alienation of property, seizure of property of all forms of ownership, free transfer of communal property objects to state ownership, property lease, land lease. An analysis of legal acts regulating the issue of property management under martial law in terms of separate methods of property management has been carried out, and procedural innovations regarding their application in modern realities have been singled out. It was concluded that under martial law, the methods of property management have a certain specific application and are aimed at the effective use of state and communal property for the purpose of business support and development, and the mechanisms of transfer, forced alienation, seizure from legal entities and individuals for the needs of the state are determined, which is reasonably necessary to ensure the goals of the military defense complex and national security.

Author Biographies

M. Shkilnyak , West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil)

Doctor of Economics, professor, Head of the Department of Management Public Administration and Personnel

I. Chykalo , West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil)

PhD in Economics, Аssociate professor, Department of Management Public Administration and Personnel


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