Types and features of the use of intellectual property in industrial production


  • М. Maslak National Technical University "KhPI"
  • P. Pererva National Technical University "KhPI"




: intellectual property; management system; classification; features of use; creation; distribution


The article deals with theoretical and methodological issues of intellectual property in the production and business activities of industrial enterprises. Three main areas of consideration of the term intellectual property are defined and substantiated: regulatory (legal), economic (cost) and managerial (managerial). The author's definition of intellectual property recommended for use organically combines the legal, economic, and organizational-management components of this term, which more accurately reproduces the processes of creation, distribution, and use of intellectual property and market products created with its use. The classification of intellectual property objects has been clarified, based on the criterion for the distribution of intellectual property objects according to their nature, which allows taking into account the most important features of intellectual property, the features of acquiring rights to them, the specifics of their use in economic circulation and the protection and protection of rights to them Individual aspects of the manifestation of the specificity of intellectual property in industrial production are studied, to which the authors include the intangible form of intellectual property, the formation of the intellectual potential of the enterprise, specific features of alienation, a special form of duplication, the presence of legal protection of individual patent and copyright. The subject structure of intellectual property was formed based on the results of innovative activity, in which private individual, private collective, public (state), mixed (permeating) forms of ownership are distinguished.

Author Biographies

М. Maslak , National Technical University "KhPI"

Doctor of Economics, associate professor

P. Pererva , National Technical University "KhPI"

Doctor of Economics, professor, head of the department


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