A global food crisis fueled by the war in Ukraine: governmental challenges


  • N. Kolisnichenko Institute of Public Service and Management of the Odesa Polytechnic National University




global food crisis; war in Ukraine; food policy; public management of the implementation of the food policy; food supply


The paper examines the reasons and ways of overcoming the global food crisis caused by the war in Ukraine in 2022. The processes that caused problems in the area of providing the population with food are revealed. The management reports and reports of the leading international organizations are analyzed as a reaction to the consequences of the russian-Ukrainian war, which is currently the main catalyst of challenges on a global scale. The problem of food supply is combined with political processes and the need to overcome political chaos, which further worsens the situation, destroys social life, and creates even more dangerous conditions for ordinary people. It is noted that the growth of the food crisis in the world due to the armed aggression of russia against Ukraine forces to change the opinion of most countries regarding the food problem, and to assess it as a global catastrophe. In particular, the aggressor wants to monopolize wheat trade under global crisis. In the paper the problems and potential risks associated with the crisis are considered: the absence of an appropriate regulatory and legislative framework for the regulation of the food industry; lack of a clear investment and innovation state policy; corruption schemes of the shadow economy; low purchasing power of the population; unsatisfactory use of the potential of individual industries; insufficient financial support of enterprises; wear and tear of the enterprise's production facilities and the high cost of their renewal; low volumes of production, which do not contribute to the restoration, reconstruction, modernization of non-current assets and the implementation of research achievements; dependence on political and general economic changes in the country, possible armed conflicts. The main recommendations of the FAO on ensuring food security in Ukraine and the main measures for their implementation are analyzed. It is concluded with the ways out of the crisis - in particular, through close cooperation with the governments of those countries that support the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine, international financial organizations, UN agencies and non-governmental organizations to receive financial and humanitarian aid. In general, it is advisable to start the preparation of a comprehensive program for the restoration of the production of agricultural products and food in Ukraine.

Author Biography

N. Kolisnichenko , Institute of Public Service and Management of the Odesa Polytechnic National University

Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Head of the Social and Humanitarian Sciences Chair


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