Analysis of the effectiveness of the human resources management policy at JSC "Khmelnitskoblennergo"
human resources management; personnel management; corporate culture; regulatory support; labor productivityAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the effectiveness of the human resources management policy of the enterprise JSC "Khmelnitskoblenergo". The paper presents the subjects and objects of human resources management of the enterprise. The article reveals the features of regulatory and legal support of the personnel management system of JSC "Khmelnitskoblenergo", which is represented by documents of external (legislative and regulatory acts of the state) and internal (regulatory acts of the Company) nature. During the study, the main internal regulations were analyzed - the Collective Agreement of the company from 07/19/2019 and the Code of Corporate Ethics of PJSC "Khmelnitskoblenergo" from 02/10/2017. The analysis of indicators characterizing the efficiency of human resources management of JSC "Khmelnitskoblenergo" in the period 2018-2020 showed that the productivity of the enterprise in the dynamics was not stable - in 2019 there was a significant decrease. Personnel productivity in 2020 fell sharply (almost 60%), which requires optimization of personnel costs in future periods. The study proposes to improve the process of human resources management of JSC "Khmelnitskenergozbut" by conducting trainings.
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